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  1. RozayCane

    Saban has retired.

    Agreed.. but again. All caused by the NCAA. All they had to do was take all those lawsuits seriously some years back, and came up with a plan to pay players.. they would have avoided all this.. but instead the states and the government stepped in and made them powerless.
  2. RozayCane

    Saban has retired.

    Pretty obvious to most this why he hung it up
  3. RozayCane

    Saban has retired.

  4. RozayCane

    Saban has retired.

    Aw lol
  5. RozayCane

    Saban has retired.

    Sounds like he didn’t want to deal with the NIL bs anymore.
  6. RozayCane

    Saban has retired.

    Urban at Bama would be disgusting
  7. RozayCane

    Saban has retired.

    Let’s hope Mario can convince his mentor to be a consultant 👀😂 After seeing all the dealerships deals going on in Florida with Saban.. had to know he was done
  8. RozayCane

    Saban has retired.

    Mario to Bama 👀