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  1. passitback

    Biggest POS in sofla

    Yeah, I don't know any of these people personally, so I wouldn't come out of pocket like that and just start calling people POS, lol. Parents ruin kids. Adults ruin the world. It is reality and football is not an exception. The football scene in Miami and basketball scene in NYC are littered...
  2. passitback

    Biggest POS in sofla

    I am not speaking about any player in particular. That wasn't what triggered my comment. It's the totality of things I have read and continue to read over time. **** is wild to me. Parents aren't responsible for alll of it, but they certainly play a role in some of it (the nonsense).
  3. passitback

    Biggest POS in sofla

    Sounds like you have a lot of horrendous parents down there.