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  1. canes732

    Stevo breaks down Reese Poffenbarger tape

    Idk that’s probably why he stayed I would assume. But as of rn Jacurri has his shot to win the job as it stands JB vs Proff vs Emory. Unless Tulula comes
  2. canes732

    Stevo breaks down Reese Poffenbarger tape

    I fee the same way. Once he sees proff is better he’s gone which sucks but can’t force him to stay
  3. canes732

    Stevo breaks down Reese Poffenbarger tape

    Scrimmage the QB can’t be hit still more on air throws. How did Jacurri look in the spring game? I do think poff is better Rn but we shall see
  4. canes732

    Stevo breaks down Reese Poffenbarger tape

    I hope he is he has talent he’s just at least another year away. Just isn’t consistent enough yet
  5. canes732

    Stevo breaks down Reese Poffenbarger tape

    The reason brown won’t beat him out. On air and in spring/fall practice I would bet Poff throws better on air then brown (who dirts slants). Idk if poff is better when the lights come on but I can almost guarantee he is a better passer in practice