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  1. hesskilla

    Updated Chart

    I’m done, not sure why I even entertained this discussion. I for sure will not out post you guys. I don’t care that much.
  2. hesskilla

    Updated Chart

    No but you take it a step further and assume that a HC can ONLY be successful if he wins the first two years.
  3. hesskilla

    Updated Chart

    How about Auburn? Did Cam help them? Did Vince Young help Texas? Did Brady help Belicheck?
  4. hesskilla

    Updated Chart

    Why only discuss 2 years???
  5. hesskilla

    Updated Chart

    Did Dabo every win a Natty with a mediocre QB?
  6. hesskilla

    Updated Chart

    That’s all year 3 stuff. The chart is only for the first two years. I’m not sure if we are allowed to discuss year 3. It gets dicier with everyone’s narratives.
  7. hesskilla

    Updated Chart

    I also think for most coaches it all hinges on having a great QB.
  8. hesskilla

    Updated Chart

    Ok, I am not trying to sugar coat anything. I could care less about perception or narratives. I think a recruiter on Mario’s level should be given 4 years before he is properly evaluated. The bad game day coach stuff becomes less relevant when he is improving the roster. I have no problems...
  9. hesskilla

    Updated Chart

    Just to clarify, I have hated our offense the last two years. I was on team Lane Train. I do think coaching/recruiting matter equally. This chart is a bad way to make any point. It’s subjective by using only two years. It also neglects the fact that many corches had two successful first years...
  10. hesskilla

    Updated Chart

    How did Jim Harbaugh do in his 3rd year? Did he ever have a losing record at Michigan in any season? Asking for a friend.