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  1. BS85

    Swing and miss

    Fixed it for you
  2. BS85

    Swing and miss

    Pipo posted that Mario wanted Cam but Dawson wanted Howard, Cribby and a few others agreed. I'm too lazy to find it but it was a few days ago.
  3. BS85

    Swing and miss

    Which you'd think would translate to the portal but i think he and Zo have been pretty average there at best unfortunately.
  4. BS85

    Swing and miss

    Hopefully before receivers transfer out
  5. BS85

    Swing and miss

    Not really, Miami is willing to pay way more than other schools
  6. BS85

    Swing and miss

    Manny was way better in the portal too
  7. BS85

    Swing and miss

    Mario was the worst hire possible during this era. He's a recruiting guru at a time when recruiting is WAY less important as NIL and the on field product now matter the most. He's so incredibly bad during gameday that he can't get a QB even when he has the biggest offer by far (allegedly)...