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  1. G

    WR Xavier Restrepo announces return for final season

    X is all we got who knows the playbook , in practice no one can cover him to push X in any way. Come game time example at Gainesville next year it’s there only focus our only real option the X unless these you 4-5 star WR coming in are who they say they are our chances are very slim at all at...
  2. G

    WR Xavier Restrepo announces return for final season

    What will be very telling is after X takes maybe a week off if that and starts training again for spring is how many will be joining X train including film an playbook study. Who will be training at 6:00-7:00 AM everyday for 2 plus hours of torture eat then school work then PM workout eat then...
  3. G

    WR Xavier Restrepo announces return for final season

    X came here as an average good hand’s receiver with a noticeable facial deformity , made a choice. Take full advantage of your gifts and train like no other so you can be like no other. X trains like his very life depends on every move he makes to the point of total physical exhaustion mentally...