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  1. J

    Norvell's Short Term Rebuilding Approach

    It makes too much sense. And if it Cam Ward what better way to better your stock then build a new creative offense with a current NFL offensive guru's thoughts and concepts. Obviously if that was the case and offense picked up its a win win for everybody involved.
  2. J

    Norvell's Short Term Rebuilding Approach

    Guidry could collaborate the offseason too. Increase his football knowledge as well. get even more exotic and learn some power fronts since that doesn't seem to be his specialty. they have to have a hunger for getting better as coaches too.
  3. J

    Norvell's Short Term Rebuilding Approach

    I'm not in Mario shoes but it seems like a no brainer. And he could even network with Dorsey as well just to get ideas in how to gameplan offenses better each week and tailor an adaptive offense. There are too many connections here at Miami not to. He has to buck the trend of Miami coaches being...
  4. J

    Norvell's Short Term Rebuilding Approach

    Mario and Dawson after they get a QB need to sit with McDaniel from the Dolphins and get some creativity in the offensive scheme. That should absolutely be an asset with being in Miami. McDaniel seems like a cool guy who wouldnt mind sharing some insight. They just have to shed ego and be...