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  1. mossmadness


    That’s why he was hired
  2. mossmadness


    Yep. We had an elite OL and a QB who showed he can be a star in at least one kind of offense. And none of it was enough to make Mario’s offense work. Mario’s offense is impossible to make work. When you need the Top Rated QB in the Portal and an elite OL just to hope you can score more...
  3. mossmadness


    One of which looked like a future superstar before getting stuck under Mario. “But the players suck”
  4. mossmadness


    Exactly. It’s like a dude that only dates fat chicks and people shocked his next girl is fat. Every OC Mario hires is going to be the fat chick because that is Mario’s fetish.
  5. mossmadness


    Lol @ people blaming Dawson. This season offensively is every season Mario has ever had. Was Dawson to blame for those offensive failures?