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  1. Canesrule230

    Pinstripe Bowl - Miami vs Rutgers

    I know he has a long leash with the admin but at what point does mario start getting pressure to fix/improve his game day coaching?
  2. Canesrule230

    Pinstripe Bowl - Miami vs Rutgers

    These refs crack me up
  3. Canesrule230

    Pinstripe Bowl - Miami vs Rutgers

    I love how the targeting definition changes every game
  4. Canesrule230

    Pinstripe Bowl - Miami vs Rutgers

    lmao they didn't call the facemask
  5. Canesrule230

    Pinstripe Bowl - Miami vs Rutgers

    This is embarrassing
  6. Canesrule230

    Pinstripe Bowl - Miami vs Rutgers

    I miss the 61-0 days
  7. Canesrule230

    Pinstripe Bowl - Miami vs Rutgers

    We're not physical at all. I get that Rutgers has their starters mostly intact and we have a lot of guys out but this is embarrassing.
  8. Canesrule230

    Pinstripe Bowl - Miami vs Rutgers

    Our lines are getting beat
  9. Canesrule230

    Pinstripe Bowl - Miami vs Rutgers

    Ayayay the way we play makes it hard to defend Mario
  10. Canesrule230

    Pinstripe Bowl - Miami vs Rutgers

    Hoping they don't delay or move our game due to the bc/smu game.