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  1. TheOriginalCane

    Rumor Gattis Allegedly "Exposed" himself in front of UM custodian

    Got it, sorry that I followed the wrong trail, but you know I respect you and have no problems with your posts.
  2. TheOriginalCane

    Rumor Gattis Allegedly "Exposed" himself in front of UM custodian

    I don't hold anyone accountable for reading every thread on every board, but this issue has absolutely been discussed in the past. I tend to think that when people first hear certain things, they assume "gossip" and don't pay as much attention. But this info was out there a couple of years...
  3. TheOriginalCane

    Rumor Gattis Allegedly "Exposed" himself in front of UM custodian

    Uhhh, yes... Estella Marie Thompson (born August 9, 1969), also known as Divine Brown, is an American former *** worker who gained attention from law enforcement and the media in 1995 when actor Hugh Grant was caught receiving oral *** from her in his car on Hollywood's Sunset Boulevard.
  4. TheOriginalCane

    Rumor Gattis Allegedly "Exposed" himself in front of UM custodian

    Yes, and keep it out, no matter who walks in. You know, they claim if you shake it more than twice, you're playing with it? Gattis shook it 250 times...
  5. TheOriginalCane

    Rumor Gattis Allegedly "Exposed" himself in front of UM custodian

    So you mean to say that after you are done at the urinal, you do NOT put your junk away, but instead turn around 180 degrees with your fishing tackle fully exposed to check on the noises of people entering the bathroom from behind you? Look I would believe Gattis more if his story was "yeah, I...
  6. TheOriginalCane

    Rumor Gattis Allegedly "Exposed" himself in front of UM custodian

    Exactly. Once again, we have one of those brilliantly insightful CIS porsters who seem to know about ALLLLLLL of the times when women falsely accuse men (and it's SOOOOO many times). You have to wonder if these porsters are speaking from a biased personal experience. Regardless, I don't know...
  7. TheOriginalCane

    Rumor Gattis Allegedly "Exposed" himself in front of UM custodian

    There was initially a question about who was involved. I was fairly consistent in saying it was a member of the UM community, which could include students or employees. Additionally, there were a lot of people who just felt that this was a "made up story" to justify the slowness of the firing.
  8. TheOriginalCane

    Rumor Gattis Allegedly "Exposed" himself in front of UM custodian

    Tried to hint at this last year.