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  1. supacane

    Kj Jefferson...commits to UCF

    People have locked themselves into thinking only Ward can be successful here. I mean we all want him but he aint the only one. KJ played in the SEC and say whst u want but draft day doesnt lie. And not like he was on one of the tradition elites of the conference
  2. supacane

    Kj Jefferson...commits to UCF

    I seen UGA win 2 titles with Bennet. I seen USC just win 7 games with a reigning Heisman winner and 1st round pick at QB. There is bunch of middle ground there as well. KJ is not a bum, i watched his film and his numbers are in alot of areas better than them other man.
  3. supacane

    Kj Jefferson...commits to UCF

    WE can surround KJ with much better talent than he had at Arky. Some of yall narrow in on players then close your mind on others. I do Cam Ward is the better throwing but Kj is 250 pounds amd can run and throw. Better duality. A player doesnt have to be first round ready to win CFB games. Just a...
  4. supacane

    Kj Jefferson...commits to UCF
