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  1. BeastMode

    Bat Signal

    Under and maybe zero
  2. BeastMode

    Bat Signal

    Pretty clear what happened and smith thought they were going public tonight but they want to wait till Wednesday. Just get someone else to pop and no one will ever know the difference.
  3. BeastMode

    Bat Signal

    You’re strange dude. Just mute my post. Back this summer I was even saying it will be a top 10 range class when ppl were melting down. You have no clue wtf you are talking about
  4. BeastMode

    Bat Signal

    Hey dumbass, I’ve always said Mario can recruit. Wtf are you talking. I criticize a lot about the team and games played but not his recruiting.
  5. BeastMode

    Bat Signal

  6. BeastMode

    Bat Signal

    Yes he would
  7. BeastMode

    Bat Signal

    Would be a great pickup! Most highschool kids are going to wait to Wednesday at this point