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  1. N

    Interesting NCAA challenges article

    Lol ok. I’m sure that argument is gonna hold up real well in court.
  2. N

    Interesting NCAA challenges article

    These players are going to court to try to force a judge to redistribute wealth. So ya know, actual socialism.
  3. N

    Interesting NCAA challenges article

    Have they taught them that? Those people have actual professions. When the kids get out of school they can do the same thing. Playing college sports isn’t a profession. Idc how many people try to convince me otherwise. You are trading your skill set for an education. The same way everybody else...
  4. N

    Interesting NCAA challenges article

    I’ll keep saying this over and over, bc it’s the only solution. Without this, schools with small athletic budgets will drop sports. Make them choose. You get the full scholarship, or you take the salary. You cant get both. And once you sign on to either one, you forfeit your right to the...
  5. N

    Interesting NCAA challenges article

    Those other two will have their hand out and if they don’t get a piece, they’ll be right back in the court room arguing that they “deserve it.”
  6. N

    Interesting NCAA challenges article

    What happens when they win this lawsuit and ALL athletes get a portion of proceeds? Bc you know women and men’s non revenue sports athletes are not gonna stand for allocating money based on revenue. How many schools will have to drop sports bc they can’t afford to pay soccer, golf, tennis, etc...