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    Interesting NCAA challenges article

    Let me be clear that I do not necessarily support this lawsuit (though I did support the Alston lawsuit). I just can understand why this is happening considering the “money over everything” environment that these kids have existed within. The NCAA is about money, the universities are making...
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    Interesting NCAA challenges article

    I agree with this. And they should not have it both ways. I just don’t fault the kids (and I know you do not either) for wanting more than they have now, but I agree with you that they will have to accept the good and bad that comes with it. Just like the rest of us.
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    Interesting NCAA challenges article

    So you think the individual player should not pursue all legal means to improve his specific situaiton because he should see the bigger picture and how it will impact others? That’s easy to say when you aren’t the player or family. We live in a capitalist society and everyone in our country...
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    Interesting NCAA challenges article

    You are 100% correct that it is selfish, but that is what the NCAA and universities have taught the players and families. This is the chickens coming home to roost. The entities make billions, the coaches make millions. Universities jump from conference to conference, coaches jump from team to...
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    Interesting NCAA challenges article

    Free education which can be taken away at the end of the year by the University, even if the player did everything right, because the university feels someone else is more deserving of the free education? Players being shuffled into classes to keep them eligible even if it means that they are...
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    Interesting NCAA challenges article

    Good. This was an unfair system from its existence In which unpaid labor was used for entertainment and to the financial advantage of others. By that definition, college sports sounds a lot like _______ (fill in the blank).