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  1. Empirical Cane

    2024 Scale of 1-10 Wanda vs Elle Macpherson

    I've often reminded Mrs Empirical (or any woman) of this FACT (at the risk of quick derailment). Women: We demand "equal" rights! Empy: You own all the ***** and have at least 1/2 our money, arguably more than 1/2, what more do you want? Women: We demand total subjugation! Empy: At least you...
  2. Empirical Cane

    2024 Scale of 1-10 Wanda vs Elle Macpherson

    Andrew Gillum nudes or didn't happen....
  3. Empirical Cane

    2024 Scale of 1-10 Wanda vs Elle Macpherson

    Winner of Internet today. I knew this thread would deliver!
  4. Empirical Cane

    2024 Scale of 1-10 Wanda vs Elle Macpherson

    Ok. Let's settle down there tiger. As in the speed of light, there are limits found everywhere in nature.
  5. Empirical Cane

    2024 Scale of 1-10 Wanda vs Elle Macpherson

    Either. She is gorgeous*. 2nd to Mrs. Empirical of course, but gorgeous nonetheless
  6. Empirical Cane

    2024 Scale of 1-10 Wanda vs Elle Macpherson

    I will lay hands upon any man who doubts the beauty of The Body.
  7. Empirical Cane

    2024 Scale of 1-10 Wanda vs Elle Macpherson

    I have a feeling this thread is going to have it ups and downs. No pun intended.
  8. Empirical Cane

    2024 Scale of 1-10 Wanda vs Elle Macpherson

    lesbihonest that is a very bad sign then
  9. Empirical Cane

    2024 Scale of 1-10 Wanda vs Elle Macpherson

    Ok, so scale of 1-10 for crootin and transfer portal in 2024 cycle... is Miami fuccin Wanda from In Living Color or supermodel Elle Macpherson?