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  1. 305to954

    Something to keep in mind when you see Miami departures

    If other elite programs can sign guys with traits or keep guys around who contribute on ST or culture with specific abilities why can’t miami..or guys who need too either put on weight or just become better football players then be in rotation year 2/3 of their development..why can’t Miami? Some...
  2. 305to954

    Something to keep in mind when you see Miami departures

    I get what you’re saying..but some of the guys you HL are 1st year 2nd year guys we took either as HS recruits of the portal with eligibility ..I.E Cyrus moss, freeney etc gotta let guys develop within your literally see this around the country..I get it’s off szn...
  3. 305to954

    Something to keep in mind when you see Miami departures talking about gutting depth as tho that doesn’t matter..only guys who are getting the handshake best of luck treatment are the 3yr 4yr guys