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  1. FrancisSawyer

    #7 player in the country DT Justin Scott flips to MIAMI

    Well said. You were able to articulate that 1000% better than I did earlier.
  2. FrancisSawyer

    #7 player in the country DT Justin Scott flips to MIAMI

    LMAO! Is that a spoof on Kuato from Total Recall?
  3. FrancisSawyer

    #7 player in the country DT Justin Scott flips to MIAMI

    Now that is awesome! Well done! Good ol Sgt. Hulka!
  4. FrancisSawyer

    #7 player in the country DT Justin Scott flips to MIAMI

    Yeah I remember that play. George had a TD for sure if Tyler hits him. All in all I agree with @DMoney post about the coach and the QB both failing to manage the game. Yes TVD is at the root of it but I think the debate centers on Mario continuing to roll Tyler out there even when it was clear...
  5. FrancisSawyer

    #7 player in the country DT Justin Scott flips to MIAMI

    What I think is that we have passionate fans. What I think is that there are idiot fans who know nothing and just talk out of their backside. I think that every team has those goofy fans. I think those fans make up a very small percentage of this community. I think that there are very vocal die...
  6. FrancisSawyer

    #7 player in the country DT Justin Scott flips to MIAMI

    I am so glad that you were able to clear that up for me buddy.
  7. FrancisSawyer

    #7 player in the country DT Justin Scott flips to MIAMI

    You are correct. They hate Mario and enthusiastically root for us to lose because of that. These guys were ****ing down their legs when we had 1st and goal vs Louisville and could have tied the game and were super relieved when we didn't score. Against Georgia Tech they gave each other high...
  8. FrancisSawyer

    #7 player in the country DT Justin Scott flips to MIAMI

    Yes I'm sure that's the way the Mario game day coaching critics reacted when they saw we flipped Scott.
  9. FrancisSawyer

    #7 player in the country DT Justin Scott flips to MIAMI

    Correctomundo!!!! Scott is a 6'4" 315 deluxe athlete. Elite level explosiveness combined with lateral quickness and strength. Scott displays rare athleticism for someone his size. A multi sport athlete who also plays basketball. Scott has lined up as a RB/FB which is a testament to his...
  10. FrancisSawyer

    #7 player in the country DT Justin Scott flips to MIAMI

    Absolutely huge! Just immense! A Gargantuan pickup!!!!!!!