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  1. 423Hurricane

    Molly McGrath talks to Behind the U about TVD and Dawson

    I’m not defending his play after game 4 at all. Just trying to add some context in a vain attempt to understand what the **** was going on. Obviously, we’ll never know the intimate details about the game plan, injuries, or any other aspect of this whole fiasco. All most of us can do is go by...
  2. 423Hurricane

    Molly McGrath talks to Behind the U about TVD and Dawson

    Both said way before the season started they did just that - went over the playbook to see what TVD was comfortable with. That’s what’s so puzzling about today’s “revelation”. Not to mention, TVD mentioned it in his Ville post practice and post game pressers and again post BC.
  3. 423Hurricane

    Molly McGrath talks to Behind the U about TVD and Dawson

    If you watched any of TVD’s after practice or post game pressers, you would have heard him not make excuses and basically say he’s got to play better. Never once did he mention injuries unless he was asked and always skirted the issue. I’m not making excuses for him or his play just providing...
  4. 423Hurricane

    Molly McGrath talks to Behind the U about TVD and Dawson

    There’s no moving on in these parts. It’ll be run into the ground until it reaches China and even then will continue until everyone has their say and then some.
  5. 423Hurricane

    Molly McGrath talks to Behind the U about TVD and Dawson

    Imagine that. Getting it straight from the horses mouth instead of a bunch speculation, conjecture and outright bull****.