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  1. Scorpioncane

    Dawson + Portal QB

    Ok! I agree, he should call Jimmy j for some pointers
  2. Scorpioncane

    Dawson + Portal QB

    Bruh! Say less, I'm with you on that.
  3. Scorpioncane

    Dawson + Portal QB

    I agree family! Wasn't sure if that was sarcasm or you really didn't know!
  4. Scorpioncane

    Dawson + Portal QB

    They've found two so far!
  5. Scorpioncane

    Dawson + Portal QB

    There almost there! With that dline, now what Yu gotta say?
  6. Scorpioncane

    Dawson + Portal QB

    Y'all laughing! But, they still need Mario's approval!, less work for Mario! He just comes in and approves there decision...