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  1. Y

    QBS in the Portal as of 11/28

    It's sad how many fans can't be objective without trying to demonize other fans that are being real. I'm not trying to "will" anything negative against Miami/Mario. I think it's disingenuous and quite honestly a reflection of your own insecurity and insignificance when you suggest that anybody...
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    QBS in the Portal as of 11/28

    Not sure why anybody would have faith in Mario getting this right at this point. He hasn't earned the benefit of the doubt and if anything, he has proven otherwise when it comes to QB room management. At this point I expect us to go into next year with a 3 way QB competition (Emory, Jacurri ...
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    QBS in the Portal as of 11/28

    I've been saying it since day 1. We'll end up with a QB who has a much lower ceiling than TVD..that is inevitable at this point. Mario would have been much better served taking all his energy and applying it towards salvaging things with TVD and learning what makes him tick and what makes him...
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    QBS in the Portal as of 11/28

    what is evident at this point, is that Mario is not getting a 1 and done guy... a guy who has a decent draft grade now but wants to bump it up to a 1st or 2nd round grade after 1 year. Mario doesn't have that trust or that reputation with his offense or with his QB development... we'll see what...
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    QBS in the Portal as of 11/28

    I don't think anybody, including the coaches, believe it would be good to into next season with only those 3 scholarship QBs, one who is currently injured.
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    QBS in the Portal as of 11/28

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    QBS in the Portal as of 11/28

    Would you?
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    QBS in the Portal as of 11/28

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    QBS in the Portal as of 11/28

    This is going to end up costing us... if we lose out on Salter because of this Mario will never hear the end of it
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    QBS in the Portal as of 11/28

    So Cam Ward is Mario's new white whale? The "Jason Candle" of 2024? Good for Jessica to keep him busy at least.
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    QBS in the Portal as of 11/28

    They just let @Cribby see the war room 👀
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    QBS in the Portal as of 11/28

    Cribby now on CIS payroll obviously 👀
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    QBS in the Portal as of 11/28

    Foolish huh? Where have I heard that before... Something about all your eggs in one basket
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    QBS in the Portal as of 11/28

    Let's hope so. Everybody is doing it.
  15. Y

    QBS in the Portal as of 11/28

    Mario headed back to the war room today to re analyze the QB depth chart and decide if he needs to pursue a transfer..will probably take him a week or 2 to decide then will start targeting one guy at a time and give them each a month to decide if they want to come before moving onto the next...
  16. Y

    QBS in the Portal as of 11/28

    Need another quality transfer who can backup in '24 and possibly start in '25. I don't want to go into next year in the same position as this year. Would like to have 2 or 3 guys battling to start in '25.
  17. Y

    QBS in the Portal as of 11/28

    He needs to come in and be blown away by the visit and feel good enough about the NIL to commit on the spot. Tell him if he doesn't commit we're moving on and NIL deal is going to the next guy that takes it. Can't have him using our offer to get a better offer elsewhere.
  18. Y

    QBS in the Portal as of 11/28

    doesn't JD post on here sometimes? have him come in here and explain...