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  1. flips

    Cam Ward to Portal

    wow our on campus stadium is in ruins
  2. flips

    Cam Ward to Portal

    if we don't have another portal QB ready to accept, we gain nothing but a new clown suit by enforcing the deadline. we're on the warder-coaster now till it stops. not much you can do when u bet it all on black except grab some ****ies and drink whiskey while the roulette wheel spins
  3. flips

    Cam Ward to Portal

    heard coach suggested four score weeks for timetable and cam countered with a fortnight. checkers baby
  4. flips

    Cam Ward to Portal

    this one just slightly worse than the natural. kid breaks arm and arm becomes bionic superarm. hopefully this happens to emory when he comes back too (ah **** it was emorys non throwing arm right. oh well)
  5. flips

    Cam Ward to Portal

    just the last 2?
  6. flips

    Cam Ward to Portal

    i usually just make absurd photoshops, but even i can see that ward is #1 option
  7. flips

    Cam Ward to Portal

    thank the lord art basel finished. coach back to work. he do love that modern art **** tho
  8. flips

    Cam Ward to Portal

    wow he must be super interested in us. according to porsts and reports this like his 8th visit here since portal opened
  9. flips

    Cam Ward to Portal

    mario should leverage ward by leaking to gabby that miami considering not using quarterback next year
  10. flips

    Cam Ward to Portal

  11. flips

    Cam Ward to Portal

  12. flips

    Cam Ward to Portal

    he's not hemmingway
  13. flips

    Cam Ward to Portal

  14. flips

    Cam Ward to Portal

    all wills not the same. ffs
  15. flips

    Cam Ward to Portal

    am so glad James Jesus Angleton is our coach. loose lips sink ships folks
  16. flips

    Cam Ward to Portal

  17. flips

    Cam Ward to Portal

    y wouldn't he? he's a one year rental looking for a spot that he maximize his production and improve his draft stock. the quicker he commits, the better supporting cast his new coaches (god and big q cane willing - us) can get from in the portal and recruiting trail. if his goal is to maximize...
  18. flips

    Cam Ward to Portal

    he going for gold in clout Olympics. like his jib. [would have been ideal to keep it under his hat, but 99.99% less entertaining]
  19. flips

    Cam Ward to Portal

    can't be sending folks to gulag for thinking and hearing. gulag for speech only.
  20. flips

    Cam Ward to Portal

    gulag or glory for @Big Q Cane