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  1. T

    Cam Ward to Portal

    The human data center that is Memnon brought up Ward to the board i think two years ago. Way before anyone here knew who he was.
  2. T

    Cam Ward to Portal

    JMO but I have to think they both already have the offers
  3. T

    Cam Ward to Portal

    Good question. Honestly I don't know. Logically given the need if he says yes you have to take it......but you could get Ward I'm glad I don't have to make that call.
  4. T

    Cam Ward to Portal

  5. T

    Cam Ward to Portal

    Rashada doesn't seem like a dependable type of kid.
  6. T

    Cam Ward to Portal

    You are going to hurt the feelings of some of our semenhole/Cane fans
  7. T

    Cam Ward to Portal

    Why? I would say Monday going by what Cribby has posted and that makes sense.
  8. T

    Cam Ward to Portal

    The worst thing any insider can do it to even remotely suggest a time line to the maniacs on this site. Having said that.......I have been refreshing this site every ten minutes since yesterday lol
  9. T

    Cam Ward to Portal

    Respectfully disagree He also didn't say figure out. He said "get the search done asap" He also said "I was told they wanted it done in 4-5 days if possible. Asap. That was Wednesday when I posted it." I don't think you can take anything negative from what he said this morning. He...
  10. T

    Cam Ward to Portal

    You win the internet today sir LMAO!!
  11. T

    Cam Ward to Portal

    It started watching games with my daughters this year. They are not really into the games but they have a blast making fun of me and my game watching antics. From the touchdown celebrations to the misery of losing. We have a great time and makes us closer.
  12. T

    Cam Ward to Portal

    Also if we get Ward you will have to name your son after him....those are the rules lol Good luck explaining that to the wife.
  13. T

    Cam Ward to Portal

    Still works for me
  14. T

    Cam Ward to Portal

    Every morning he post a picture of his watch at 4 am while in the gym. Yeah check him out. Good podcast and good lessons on leadership.
  15. T

    Cam Ward to Portal

    Congrats! Get some sleep today you are going to need it.
  16. T

    Cam Ward to Portal

    It's not offensive to you in any way. Jocko Willink is a former Navy Seal that has a podcast. He is kinda famous for religiously waking up at 4 am.
  17. T

    Cam Ward to Portal

    Same here !!
  18. T

    Cam Ward to Portal

    Jocko is that you?
  19. T

    Cam Ward to Portal

    Would last years #1 HS QB being in usc room make a difference to him? Honest question. He definitely won't have even the hint of competition here.
  20. T

    Cam Ward to Portal

    Ten one million dollar offers wow...if he stays in collage the same amount of time as our TE he won't need the NFL at all lol. Yeah just don't see it happening here with that type of competition at those prices....hope I'm wrong.