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  1. SaiyaMan305

    Cam Ward to Portal

    This would be a valid reason and if Howard did give them the commitment then everyone has a right to be mad IF* we miss on Ward, would love to get some confirmation tho on this. If this did happen Mario deserves to be crucified. Just seems weird D money said neither comitted.
  2. SaiyaMan305

    Cam Ward to Portal

    So besides Howard who the staff tried to get a commitment from and he never did who are you all crying about missing out on due to waiting on Ward? There are literally 4 good QB's in the portal rn. Ward(Staff is trying) Howard(Staff tried) Dillon Gabriel (Oregon back-channeled) Riley Leonard...
  3. SaiyaMan305

    Cam Ward to Portal

    Literally. FSU did the same strategy to wait it out bc if they pull out there is only us at the negation table and vice versa if we pulled out it would be only them. We're all stuck here until Cam Makes his decision. Even if Cam chooses the NFL they choose its worth it to wait as well No QB...
  4. SaiyaMan305

    Cam Ward to Portal

    Yea i know but I dont rate DJU at all and seems like neither do other teams other than FSU... point is they decided to wait as well bc Ward warrants that and theyre worse off then us since supposedly they never had a chance. Whose to say if DJU was any good and had other options he wouldnt be...
  5. SaiyaMan305

    Cam Ward to Portal

    So everyone agrees its Miami vs the NFL. So if Mario is dumb for waiting on Ward what does that make Norvell?
  6. SaiyaMan305

    Cam Ward to Portal

    EH i think we've learned Ward just wants to be drafted as high as possible and doesnt care very much about college . Even if USC goes 7-5 again but he gets a 1st round grade i think he takes that.
  7. SaiyaMan305

    Cam Ward to Portal

    Supposedly said he will fight for the job in the spring even if USC brings a transfer QB. Hes a really loyal guy to USC appearantlty.
  8. SaiyaMan305

    Cam Ward to Portal

    Hypothetically if the staff miss on Howard and Ward. Who would have been your choice from the QB's who already comitted (Cant choose Riley or Dillon Gabriel as they had predetermined places already)?
  9. SaiyaMan305

    Cam Ward to Portal

    I hope mr chris lee ortiz is right bc he could have become a hero...
  10. SaiyaMan305

    Cam Ward to Portal

    Can't be a coincidence that the Austin Canes fan said it was done and now this...
  11. SaiyaMan305

    Cam Ward to Portal

    A good combine performance can get you drafted way higher than expected. Should have played hard ball and just gone with Howard...
  12. SaiyaMan305

    Cam Ward to Portal

    I mean lincoln riley the literal QB whisperer just told you that he isnt the guy. Why would miami get him?
  13. SaiyaMan305

    Cam Ward to Portal

    Gaby just put out an article highlighting how the staff has respect and have been intrigue in KJ jefferson. For now they are focused on Cam Ward and Will Howard but it seems KJ is the QB3 option.....
  14. SaiyaMan305

    Cam Ward to Portal

    Seems like he's waiting for an OSU offer that may never come which is probably the frustrating part for Miami. They know he falls to them if that offer never comes but Miami can't afford to wait either.
  15. SaiyaMan305

    Cam Ward to Portal

    They really believe it tho which is crazy... theyre beyond delusional
  16. SaiyaMan305

    Cam Ward to Portal

    How did we get so "lucky" that "IF FSU chooses DJ over Cam he would go to us by default" according to the FSU people?
  17. SaiyaMan305

    Cam Ward to Portal

    Guy on 247 posted these 25 mins ago. I wonder where people are getting these pics from. I checked Wards IG and nada.
  18. SaiyaMan305

    Cam Ward to Portal

    But do any of them have a purple lamborghini 👀
  19. SaiyaMan305

    Cam Ward to Portal

    They brought reinforcements
  20. SaiyaMan305

    Cam Ward to Portal

    Uhm @joshvalencia1996 named a name. He said we got Ward before anyone else. Give the man his props