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  1. Angry Ibis

    Cam Ward to Portal

    It is good for the health of the board...saves us from having to perform safety checks on those afraid to discuss the Big Bad Bad Boy Tough and Physical Mowers Bowl Game.... :pgdead:
  2. Angry Ibis

    Cam Ward to Portal

  3. Angry Ibis

    Cam Ward to Portal

    Maybe they keep their mysterious, secret visits..... mysteriously, secret....
  4. Angry Ibis

    Cam Ward to Portal

    I see what you did there….Cam is interviewing Jason Candle to come with him….thus the mystery / delay… Brilliant…
  5. Angry Ibis

    Cam Ward to Portal

    So it’s been a done deal for a week, but not a done deal, and it’s a Christmas Day announcement … Is Cam Ward Miami’s Elf on the Shelf playing tricks on every believer?
  6. Angry Ibis

    Cam Ward to Portal

    Yes. We sacrificed the massive momentum of a QB1 for a bowl game against Rutgers…
  7. Angry Ibis

    Cam Ward to Portal

    Cam heard about Alabama getting people out of jail, and wants the same… Him not having anyone in jail to get released is the hold up…
  8. Angry Ibis

    Cam Ward to Portal

    If that game meant as much as a playoff game, players wouldn't be moving on, sitting out and figuring out their 2024 plans, they would be gearing up for the run...
  9. Angry Ibis

    Cam Ward to Portal

    There are only 3 games left that matter.... other than that FSU v Georgia means about as much as our game vs. Rutgers...
  10. Angry Ibis

    Cam Ward to Portal

    I am staying out of this buffoonery, but you are arguing that a team that has more wins this year than we do in two years combined is elite, when they predicted them to lose 7 games last year and 4 this year... I would say data supports your claim more than theirs...
  11. Angry Ibis

    Cam Ward to Portal

    CIS creates the Rohan drama by acting like because he was involved the deal is in the bag, so then when the recruit goes elsewhere people mock it... CIS Circle of Life
  12. Angry Ibis

    Cam Ward to Portal

    Picture looks just like Restrepo, Chaney and Emory... Lion Order products are strong.....
  13. Angry Ibis

    Cam Ward to Portal

    Why? The list has been the same…
  14. Angry Ibis

    Cam Ward to Portal

    Agreed. When you're a QB away you don’t let your QB1 leave or get cheap about it…
  15. Angry Ibis

    Cam Ward to Portal

    Irony based on watching Miami the last two seasons...
  16. Angry Ibis

    Cam Ward to Portal

    Dan SileQ Jr?
  17. Angry Ibis

    Cam Ward to Portal

    Also scheduled to visit Miami tomorrow....
  18. Angry Ibis

    Cam Ward to Portal

    He went to the right place for his tough and physical fix…
  19. Angry Ibis

    Cam Ward to Portal

    Harley Quinn would be an upgrade at this point...
  20. Angry Ibis

    Cam Ward to Portal

    Our room is below average. Who would be your top QB choice?