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  1. Number1CanesFan

    FWIW (Jacurri)

    Streeter from Caneville's podcast 3 hours ago says Jacurri is NOT transferring.
  2. Number1CanesFan

    FWIW (Jacurri)

    Streeter from Caneville's podcast 3 hours ago says Jacurri is NOT transferring.
  3. Number1CanesFan

    FWIW (Jacurri)

    He should NOT be posting on social media. He needs to check himself and focus on the task at hand. Streeter from Caneville addressed this a month ago. In a podcast discussion of why Jaccuri hadn't seen the field. Streeter said (paraphrasing), "Life isn't always fair. However, there may come...
  4. Number1CanesFan

    FWIW (Jacurri)

    I just think that overutilizing one thing he does well is a disservice to his development. Rozier was basically a 50% passer and had success. JB has a big arm. He needs coaching and development on footwork and decision making. I don't know how good Dawson is at developing QBs. Dawson...
  5. Number1CanesFan

    FWIW (Jacurri)

    Why is it that because JB is an athletic QB, most of CIS thinks he's limited to jo just running and can't throw? He hasn't played this year, so we don't know where he's at in his development. His freshman season was statistically about the same as Emory's, but people just formulate their own...