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  1. Bender

    FWIW (Jacurri)

    IDGAF, grab the Baylor playbook from 2015 and run the ball
  2. Bender

    FWIW (Jacurri)

    Curious to see who will be playing us, but I hope we have all sorts of option plays ready.
  3. Bender

    FWIW (Jacurri)

    Love you.
  4. Bender

    FWIW (Jacurri)

    Please elaborate on where I said that he will transfer. It's been known on here that Jacurri asked for a redshirt because his role was insignificant and he was passed by Emory during camp in the preseason.
  5. Bender

    FWIW (Jacurri)

    And get hurt being the rushing QB for a team that doesn't plan on playing you significantly either way.
  6. Bender

    FWIW (Jacurri)

    No, but life is not black/white. QB play was clearly improved and Emory did well given the circumstances and was protected like a young QB should given the circumstances. Plus, there was never a plan to play Brown. He asked for a redshirt, this has been said multiple times over the past months...
  7. Bender

    FWIW (Jacurri)

    Let me put this very short and brief: No.
  8. Bender

    FWIW (Jacurri)

    Starts where?