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  1. 404Usernamenotfound

    Need assistance with Pics of Miami getting screwed

    I’m not sure what replays you saw but the ones I saw were blurry. Then again I was there, maybe the replays on TV were more clear than the stadium
  2. 404Usernamenotfound

    Need assistance with Pics of Miami getting screwed

    Don’t get my comment wrong - I 100% know for a fact the don’t call holds . For **** sake we had 2 top 10 1st round de on the same team and no holds we called. I see blatant no calls every game. I was only saying this dudes math is bad
  3. 404Usernamenotfound

    Need assistance with Pics of Miami getting screwed

    This make no sense On one hand he mentions we went 10 games straight 2 years ago with no holding calls On the other he says 11 total games of no holding call since joining acc.. how can both be true? Then he also claims there’s a 31% chance per game ncaa wide that no holding is called per...
  4. 404Usernamenotfound

    Need assistance with Pics of Miami getting screwed

    The excuse was that this high definition photo wasn’t available to the refs during their review. They were working off video. Being 100% unbiased, the video available at the wasn’t conclusive enough to overturn, imo. It hindsight with that photo, its clearly the wrong call The safety against...