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  1. BigDikDaddyFromCincinnati

    Dennis smith

    I mean LeBatard kind of carved out a career for himself doing that, so I hear you. However, all schools have their own “a flock of internet yenta chimosa beetches.” My point is that it’s not unique to UM; the internet has created a sub-segment of cretins known as LeBatard wanna bes. That’s all.
  2. BigDikDaddyFromCincinnati

    Dennis smith

    Actually they do. We just don’t follow them as closely.
  3. BigDikDaddyFromCincinnati

    Dennis smith

    Did you get your info from Q-anon? All silliness aside, there’s plenty of anger and wrath to be divvied out after this season. How did Dennis Smith leapfrog his way to near the top of that list? “Trust me” doesn’t suffice as evidence either.