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  1. Shogungts

    The Bank (11/21)

    Pretty sure it was higher than that and I would not be surprised if it has only gone higher. EDIT: He said it was $13M to keep the roster intact 1.5 years ago. Not sure how much that amount has changed (if at all) since then...
  2. Shogungts

    The Bank (11/21)

    Agreed, but not only is each team playing to their own cap, but yours is potentially changing every year depending on the whims of boosters. This is the real way that boosters get coaches fired now. It used to be that you would threaten to withhold donations from the school which they may or...
  3. Shogungts

    The Bank (11/21)

    Yeah, but this also assumes that you have at least the same amount of funds available (I don't know either way if Miami does/doesn't) and that the rate for those players isn't going up (or if it is, your funds are going up proportionally). Miami had a head start on NIL on a lot of programs, but...
  4. Shogungts

    The Bank (11/21)

    Yeah... I almost put that there are likely to be other programs that jump Miami, but Mario did close with some surprises the last two years. Will he do it again? I don't know, but I just figured that is a wash right now.
  5. Shogungts

    The Bank (11/21)

    I think people likely fall into one or more of the following when expressing concerns: 1. The class may be high overall, but it is currently light on positions where we are thin 2. If you sort by average (instead of total points) the class is 19th (not to say that volume isn't important, but...
  6. Shogungts

    The Bank (11/21)

    If I am following correctly, this seems to indicate that there is the same amount for NIL available next year as there was for this year?
  7. Shogungts

    The Bank (11/21)

    I think for QB in particular (as has been said before by others including Dmoney) the norm has changed. The majority of P5 programs have a starting QB who transferred from another school. ****, of the current top 10 in the AP ranking, six of the schools have a transfer QB. Does that mean that...