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  1. armandose23

    Spill the beans on Jacurri

    Errr Diablo!! Eso se ve fino. **** that looks fire.
  2. armandose23

    Spill the beans on Jacurri

    Bomba!! Ahora si!!
  3. armandose23

    Spill the beans on Jacurri

    Did she make it with Dominican Vanilla Extract?! That’s the good stuff right there!!
  4. armandose23

    Spill the beans on Jacurri

    Nothing like una buena Dominicana my man. You are blessed. Lived there 6 years. And if she cooks, ayyyy papa!! Un Morito de habichuelas con res guisado and tostones my goodness.
  5. armandose23

    Spill the beans on Jacurri

  6. armandose23

    Spill the beans on Jacurri

    I didn’t know either and a couple years ago on a thanksgiving coincidentally my aunt told me to pass her the “Moros y cristianos” and…boom epiphany.
  7. armandose23

    Spill the beans on Jacurri

    Moro comes from “Moros y cristianos”. Moors were black Muslims and the European Christians were white. Congri is the red bean variant of “moro”.
  8. armandose23

    Spill the beans on Jacurri

    I’m Miami Cuban (parents were born in Miami as well), went to DR for school and my best friend in the program was from PR. Needless to say I learned a lot of different words for many things. The Dominicans actually call Gandules, Guandules. Green beans (Habichuelas for us Cubans) are “vainitas”...
  9. armandose23

    Spill the beans on Jacurri

    Tell me you’re from PR without telling me you’re from PR 😂