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  1. C

    The most frustrating part

    I should’ve stopped reading this post in the first sentence and that’s because I’m far too busy to converse with slow people. So I just skimmed through instead. We currently sit at 120th in penalty yards and that’s after finishing 103rd last year. Then mix in two penalties that almost...
  2. C

    The most frustrating part

    Bingo. Well said.
  3. C

    The most frustrating part

    There’s no defending this
  4. C

    The most frustrating part

    The same exact same thing happened with Gattis. After they talked TVD threw for five bills against Unc. You’d think Mario learned something last year , oops.
  5. C

    The most frustrating part

    The average fam doesn’t understand route concepts and creativity with the route concepts. Just like UGA running a slant earlier in the game inside the red zone then scoring off a slant go later. They set the play up and the db bit. Or moving Bowers around and finding mismatches or using him...
  6. C

    The most frustrating part

    You can’t throw this **** back in anyone’s face because bad coaching is bad coaching.GT alone makes that impossible. All I can judge is what I see on Saturdays now , not four years from now.
  7. C

    The most frustrating part

    I raise you and say year 8
  8. C

    The most frustrating part

  9. C

    The most frustrating part

    Hope he loads us up with enough talent he can’t ***** it up. Maybe he lucks into a Guidry like hire at OC
  10. C

    The most frustrating part

    They don’t want to stay on subject for a reason.
  11. C

    The most frustrating part

    Looking at out Qb recruiting you better pray they find a portal qb and break the bank. As for Guidry he’s been carrying this **** show while not having both his starting edges, best cb the last two games and LT today. I’ll let him slide after all the slack he’s picked up.
  12. C

    The most frustrating part

    It’s a lot of things that continues to add up. In game coaching , scheme , TVD continuing to struggle , no discipline , mistakes etc. The same issues as last year. We’re one game better after flipping the roster and changing the staff. That’s the facts and the only way you can look at this...
  13. C

    The most frustrating part

    I guess they believed in what they’ve been doing and who they are.
  14. C

    The most frustrating part

    For your own sanity prepare for what you’ve seen until it changes. If somebody shows you who they are believe them.
  15. C

    The most frustrating part

    Mario gets one of those Elon chips in his brain. If not that….. hope and pray.
  16. C

    The most frustrating part

    UL runs a ton of man. Us playing well offensively today shouldn’t be shocking.
  17. C

    The most frustrating part

    These aren’t Manny guys anymore. He chose them and they stayed. They’re Mario guys.
  18. C

    The most frustrating part

    Win or lose he’s here for awhile. Don’t even think about it.
  19. C

    The most frustrating part

    If Mario wasn’t a Miami guy with a huge contract nobody would be defending his coaching. This season has left me speechless with his in game coaching. And that’s from a guy that knew he was suspect in game.
  20. C

    The most frustrating part

    The biggest , stiffest guy gets the screens lol. Let’s not throw him jump balls lol.