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  1. B

    Mario is such an awful in game coach.

    If their team didn’t have the right play with the clock running down more coaches would call that timeout than not. If it worked no one would be talking about it.
  2. B

    Mario is such an awful in game coach.

    I disagree, think the timeout was fine and the play call. Bad throw by van dyke
  3. B

    Mario is such an awful in game coach.

    A play designed for restrepo that was covered then there was two clear holds on the other side and a bad throw by van dyke. Don’t think it was a bad play at all.
  4. B

    Mario is such an awful in game coach.

    This isn’t that complicated. You don’t know if you stop them and I wouldn’t waste my one down from the 3 yard line thinking we were going to. Mario has made some boneheaded calls this year but that was not one of them.
  5. B

    Mario is such an awful in game coach.

    But if you get a catch it’s a first down and game is over. And don’t tell me what I saw or what I believe. I believe you make sure you have the best play call 100% and if you have to burn a timeout you do that to make sure you have the best play call. I hate arguing but some people on this board...
  6. B

    Mario is such an awful in game coach.

    I don’t agree with anything you just said. Difference in opinions and will leave it at that. I don’t see Miami stopping them and I also think if we had a timeout Louisville throws on third down.
  7. B

    Mario is such an awful in game coach.

    I guess I just look at it differently than some of y’all. I didn’t believe in our defense stopping them again so yes I thought that play was the game if we didn’t score.
  8. B

    Mario is such an awful in game coach.

    Agree we need to use the tight end more. It was 3rd and 2 we are a better running team than throwing I don’t think a run is a terrible call. Just need to execute that play better imo. Also Louisville was gifted their whole drive before the half by flags, free timeouts, and somehow during the...
  9. B

    Mario is such an awful in game coach.

    Did you see Miamis defense play all day? How would you have any confidence they would stop Louisville to have a chance to get the ball back?
  10. B

    Mario is such an awful in game coach.

    No you play like you think you are going to score no the other way. Taking a five yard penalty decreases those chance of scoring substantially. And did you really think the way Miamis defense was playing they would stop Louisville?
  11. B

    Mario is such an awful in game coach.

    This is such a dumb comment I would delete it while you still have a chance.
  12. B

    Mario is such an awful in game coach.

    People complaining about BS. It was 4th down with 3 seconds on the play clock and the offense was confused so they called timeout. The timeout “cost” Miami 30 seconds on the last possession.
  13. B

    Mario is such an awful in game coach.

    It takes time to rebuild man. Doesn’t happen over night. Just clear some people have an agenda to hate Mario and the coaches no matter what. Mario and Dawson had a good game plan today. This game was on the defense. And as I’ve said 10 times I am fine with the timeout on 4th get your best play...
  14. B

    Mario is such an awful in game coach.

    Go look at my post history I tore him apart how he played scared at the end of Clemson and Virginia. The GT debacle. But those plays had nothing to do with that fourth down play and is why i won’t blame Mario for that. You should be blaming the clear hold on George on 4th down more than Mario.
  15. B

    Mario is such an awful in game coach.

    GT is on the coaches outside of that I dont think coaching makes as big of a difference as some are making on this website.
  16. B

    Mario is such an awful in game coach.

    Go look at my post history I tore him apart for how we finished against Clemson GT and Virginia but o have no issue with him calling timeout on 4th down today. Get the best play in to tie the game.
  17. B

    Mario is such an awful in game coach.

    You really think Mario wanted to call timeout on 4th down. They were confused with 3 seconds on the play clock. It was the right call to get the right play in instead of running whatever was going to happen no matter what and saving 35 seconds. Did you really think the way Miamis defense was...
  18. B

    Mario is such an awful in game coach.

    Miami is in the second year of a total rebuild. You cant flip a switch and be good and change the culture of a program. It takes time.
  19. B

    Mario is such an awful in game coach.

    this is such a terrible comment. If your team is confused you 100% call timeout on 4th down. Our defense sucked all game the chance of them stopping Louisville was worse odds than us scoring on 4th down from the 3 yard line. I’m fine taking the timeout and getting the right play. The issue today...