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  1. Mikeiavelli

    Miami vs Louisville

    That play is the 100% embodiment of the entire season
  2. Mikeiavelli

    Miami vs Louisville

    Ok hail Mary time.
  3. Mikeiavelli

    Miami vs Louisville

    Sure felt like it on that last drive
  4. Mikeiavelli

    Miami vs Louisville

    More reviews 😂 omg
  5. Mikeiavelli

    Miami vs Louisville

    2 and a half hours you mean?
  6. Mikeiavelli

    Miami vs Louisville

    Good thing cause it would be a 15 yard penalty against us every time
  7. Mikeiavelli

    Miami vs Louisville

    😂😂😂😂 these refs are just ******* with us at this point
  8. Mikeiavelli

    Miami vs Louisville

    What's the record for longest 1st half without a weather or emergency delay
  9. Mikeiavelli

    Miami vs Louisville

    They are really good at speeding the game up. 500 unnecessary reviews, and 32 minutes of game time in the first half.
  10. Mikeiavelli

    Miami vs Louisville

    They will add time after the time out.
  11. Mikeiavelli

    Miami vs Louisville

    Wtf, how does this work for time of possession. Can you score a TD while having more time on the clock than at the start of the drive?
  12. Mikeiavelli

    Miami vs Louisville

    The officiating in this league is just miserable. They have no clue what they are doing.
  13. Mikeiavelli

    Miami vs Louisville

    Surprised they didn't call pass interference on the band
  14. Mikeiavelli

    Miami vs Louisville

    Here's another chance to apply the new safety rule
  15. Mikeiavelli

    Miami vs Louisville

    They will use the new safety rule against us here. Even though he was out of bounds he obviously didn't mean to go out of bounds and contact was made inbounds so yeah, complete.
  16. Mikeiavelli

    Miami vs Louisville

    Lol not only do they not call the hold they will find a way to rule it a completion too
  17. Mikeiavelli

    Miami vs Louisville

    #5 is good for a minimum of 5 **** ups per game