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  1. 919cane

    Miami vs Louisville

    Lol at the Louisville offense vs ours in the goal to go situations
  2. 919cane

    Miami vs Louisville

    Brohm has schemed more guys open today than we have all year. Sad!
  3. 919cane

    Miami vs Louisville

    Imagine Brohm calling that on 3rd and 11
  4. 919cane

    Miami vs Louisville

    The offensive schemes in this game are like 2023 vs 1993
  5. 919cane

    Miami vs Louisville

    This Louisville offense is fun and creative. Meanwhile in Miami….
  6. 919cane

    Miami vs Louisville

    We aren't a great team by any means but we get absolutely skull ****ed by these ACC refs every week.
  7. 919cane

    Miami vs Louisville

    Louisville crashing hard on the inside handoff. Would be nice to counter with a RPO slant or TE in the flat.
  8. 919cane

    Miami vs Louisville

    Following this program is some form of weird corporal punishment
  9. 919cane

    Miami vs Louisville

    When does Mario sign that extension?
  10. 919cane

    Miami vs Louisville

    What’s the offensive version of wefense that we can dub this Mario offense?
  11. 919cane

    Miami vs Louisville
