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  1. Angry Ibis

    The Bank (11/13)

    I’m glad we got Scott and won’t minimize it vs what the rhetoric was about how many whales we were getting. Let’s celebrate the great get… There are more than enough receipts on who we didn’t get this cycle…. You had a ban bet on FSU to beat Miami … those receipts are there… that’s soft as...
  2. Angry Ibis

    The Bank (11/13)

    Big of you to celebrate the wins vs almost wins. That’s the adapting we want to see…
  3. Angry Ibis

    The Bank (11/13)

    **** rookies…
  4. Angry Ibis

    The Bank (11/13)

  5. Angry Ibis

    The Bank (11/13)

    “Loaded” teams don’t go 6-4 unless coaches suck…
  6. Angry Ibis

    The Bank (11/13)

    It may be a cry for help. I remember a time when @Dwinstitles was about stacking elite talent... Mario's wizardry has him trusting the evals, probably watching the finish too... May need a CIS helpline... 1-800-Zo-Rated
  7. Angry Ibis

    The Bank (11/13)

    To finish 8-4, I’d let TVD call his own plays at this point…
  8. Angry Ibis

    The Bank (11/13)

    The Whales were about us going to the Pacific Life Holiday Bowl..... Back to work!
  9. Angry Ibis

    The Bank (11/13)

    D$ is our Emory Williams.. gives all heart while only being able to take what the staff gives him...