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  1. S

    Great Job…

    Fire him. Everyone. Hire Riley from USC and pay him 410 million a year so he can......oh wait their QB know heisman winner.....has struggled recently and they have 4 losses also .Smmfh
  2. S

    Great Job…

    I agree the lugnuts aren't tight but they still on
  3. S

    Great Job…

    No your right but there still is time with 3 games to change the narrative on this season
  4. S

    Great Job…

    Understood. So I usually combat problems in life by fixing the easiest first. Portal a QB and go from there
  5. S

    Great Job…

    Regardless of formations there have been PLENTY of open receivers this season. TVD should have the comprehension by now to go through progressions. Stare downs have been a problem before this staff
  6. S

    Great Job…

    So lemme get this straight we blame CMC for all our offensive woes bc he is the head coach but not equally giving him credit for DRASTICALLY improving the defense. Can't talk out both sides of ya mouth
  7. S

    Great Job…

    So you think van yikes missing open receivers and throwing into triple coverage is the scheme Mario wants to use? NOT benching him sooner was the mistake and THAT he is responsible for