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  1. 423Hurricane

    Great Job…

    The guys haven’t quit all year - most noticeably @NCST 3rd and goal at the 1 with the game already decided and the defense stops them and forces a FG. Defense has been very good all year. Started 5 true freshman with a 6th that came in on the 3rd play of the game against the #4 team in the...
  2. 423Hurricane

    Great Job…

  3. 423Hurricane

    Great Job…

    Never said I was OK with Mario’s results. What I have said is I will take all things into consideration. Quite frankly, as this season has progressed, the results are obviously not good. All any of us can derive a view from are the results on the field and those results are not adequate How we...
  4. 423Hurricane

    Great Job…

    I’ve got you by a few years but that’s irrelevant. The vast majority of what we see on this board, or any other for that matter, is exactly that - speculation and conjecture. There isn’t a soul, including you and I, that knows what goes on behind the doors of Hecht. As I said, all any of us...
  5. 423Hurricane

    Great Job…

    Do you know any of this for certain? Has Mario himself told you about any of this? Not trying to be a smart *** I just want to know how you know this with absolute certainty. Certainly all of us can see the results ON THE FIELD. But NONE OF US, even the so called insiders, know exactly what...
  6. 423Hurricane

    Great Job…

    You’ve obviously taken an extremely negative stance against Mario and the football program in general. That’s certainly your right to do so. I prefer to look at the big picture and praise when appropriate and criticize when it’s appropriate WITHOUT attacking others with different views. When I...
  7. 423Hurricane

    Great Job…

    Memnon certainly knows the territory and has taken sabbaticals in the past. If you can’t take the heat, stay out of the kitchen. I’m not necessarily Pro Mario. I’m Pro Miami. I undoubtedly point out the good things he’s done but don’t hesitate to criticize when appropriate. Harping on one...
  8. 423Hurricane

    Great Job…

    He posted at around 10 AM this morning. Has something changed in the last hour or so?