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  1. RozayCane

    Potential OCs

    Man I’m sold.. but I have no confidence in Mario looking his way 🤦🏾‍♂️
  2. RozayCane

    Potential OCs
  3. RozayCane

    Potential OCs

    Just looked up his bio on their site. His offense avg 15 yards per pass and 6 yards per rush 😳 And pretty much top 10 ranked in the nation in all most all offensive stat.
  4. RozayCane

    Potential OCs

    If Dawson is seriously not coming back, I would like for Mario to go get a OC the same place he hit a home run at with the DC. Go to the G5 and get a young up and comer who is innovative with the run and pass, who also coaches QB. I don’t think NFL or Power OCs will come coach for a power...
  5. RozayCane

    Potential OCs

    Why the **** do we only run it up the gut? I hate Mario man.