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  1. CaneTheGaytors

    2023 Offensive Line stat..

    I’m not the emotional one. I’m a rationale thinker that is not influenced by blind loyalty to any coach, no matter who that coach may be. You, on the other hand, attack anyone that dares to call Wario and the malpractice that is his contract as compared to hisxresults (or lack thereof) so far.
  2. CaneTheGaytors

    2023 Offensive Line stat..

    You’re an idiot. “Personal agenda”? You can’t be this ignorant. Are you getting paid by the Hecht to do damage control? I call it for what it is. So far, Wario’s regime has been an unmitigated disaster. But I guess porsters and super fan girls like yourself will keep on supporting this...
  3. CaneTheGaytors

    2023 Offensive Line stat..

    They can’t see the trees for the forest, brother.
  4. CaneTheGaytors

    2023 Offensive Line stat..

    You first.
  5. CaneTheGaytors

    2023 Offensive Line stat..

    …and whose fault is that? Couldn’t be our head corches fault, could it? You know, the dude that can’t recruit a good QB because he ruins mostly all of them. But don’t let reality get in the way of your blind love for Wario.