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  1. miamicanephins

    Bills fans calling for Dorsey’s firing

    Not sure how much football knowledge you have, but Brady wont be in buf a lo very long. Enjoy him for the rest of the season.
  2. miamicanephins

    Bills fans calling for Dorsey’s firing

    There are 3 main aspects to the game of football. Offense, defense, and special teams. Excelling in one area doesn't guarantee wins in the NFL. Blocked/missed fgs cost you games, ask Norwood.
  3. miamicanephins

    Bills fans calling for Dorsey’s firing

    And they still lost, see the trend
  4. miamicanephins

    Bills fans calling for Dorsey’s firing

    Surprise surprise, buf a lo loses another big game. I wonder who they'll fire this time. Lol Thankfully Ken got out of that **** hole. Hopefully, GR50 can move on from that loser franchise as well.
  5. miamicanephins

    Bills fans calling for Dorsey’s firing

    That's what real coaching can do. Just to be clear, I wanted Mark Stoops and I blame the BOT for not hiring an AD and letting HIM hire the coach. Corchobal became tolerable because money was going to be spent. I was done at GT.
  6. miamicanephins

    Bills fans calling for Dorsey’s firing

    Step 1, surround the qb with 5 star talent Step 2 see Step 1
  7. miamicanephins

    Bills fans calling for Dorsey’s firing

    Or you keep running into a stacked 12 man box using your phizicality
  8. miamicanephins

    Bills fans calling for Dorsey’s firing

    How do you scheme around a turn over prone qb?
  9. miamicanephins

    Bills fans calling for Dorsey’s firing

    Once your in the club, some NFL team will give you another shot, especially coming from this buf a lo/Allen mess.
  10. miamicanephins

    Bills fans calling for Dorsey’s firing

    It would be a career killing move for Ken to come here with Corchobal, can't see it happening.
  11. miamicanephins

    Bills fans calling for Dorsey’s firing

    Lol. Even the great Jim Kelly couldn't win there, I feel for him, he deserved better.
  12. miamicanephins

    Bills fans calling for Dorsey’s firing

    There should be a law that says no Cane should ever go to bufalo
  13. miamicanephins

    Bills fans calling for Dorsey’s firing

    No body compared Emory to Ken, except you and you sucked off Felipe franks,, so
  14. miamicanephins

    Bills fans calling for Dorsey’s firing

    LOL Brett Farve is a Super Bowl winning. NFL HoF quarterback. Allen wont win any thing and is just another in a long line of losing bufalo qbs. Allen is Joe Ferguson 2.0 LOL
  15. miamicanephins

    Bills fans calling for Dorsey’s firing

    For his next trick, Josh Allen channels his inner Therman Thomas and misplaces his helmet on the sideline
  16. miamicanephins

    Bills fans calling for Dorsey’s firing

    Hopefully, Ken can get out of that **** hole and not waste his career there like the great Jim Kelly did. The only success the bills franchise has ever had was throwing ****** on the field
  17. miamicanephins

    Bills fans calling for Dorsey’s firing

    F the bills and that ghey bills mafia ****. Sorry KD is apart of that franchise, but as long as they're losing, I'm happy.