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  1. Katzenboyer

    Bills fans calling for Dorsey’s firing

    *Jim Kelly has entered the chat.*
  2. Katzenboyer

    Bills fans calling for Dorsey’s firing

    Amen. You don't get back to the glory days by hiring retreads. Jimmy Johnson was hired from friggin' Oklahoma State. The Canes need to stop trying to recapture the magic by consulting their rolodex of former players/coaches with connections to the program. Get a fresh perspective.
  3. Katzenboyer

    Bills fans calling for Dorsey’s firing

    The criticism of the defense is fair. But there's just absolutely nothing that would warrant handing the keys over to Dorsey to run the offense. Nothing. At best, he's been okay in Buffalo. If he didn't play for the Canes, and was thrown out as a possible coordinator, the board would light...
  4. Katzenboyer

    Bills fans calling for Dorsey’s firing

    ...against one of the worst schedules in the NFL. And if you don't think that Allen hasn't been the same guy since Daboll left, you aren't watching games.
  5. Katzenboyer

    Bills fans calling for Dorsey’s firing

    If this guy never wore the jersey, the board would run off anyone who suggested him as a potential OC. Bring him onto the staff as QB coach? Fine. But this guy (strictly as a coach) rode the coattails of Daboll and his work with Allen, and once he left, things cratered. He should not be a...