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  1. Dwinstitles


    That’s the thing though in the qb rooms these so called “quarterbacks” get most things right on the chalk board. Think of grudens camp espn series if you went based on interviews every qb would be the number one pick. They know the game the thing is can you play it? And each level it gets...
  2. Dwinstitles


    He’s been like that since he’s been here. I knew something was off in year one I just couldn’t say anything. All I knew is he wasn’t what people thought he was. I think most were way over eating him. We have already seen the best of him ever he won’t reach that again unless he went to some...
  3. Dwinstitles


    TVD was never that good like people make him out to be. Bruh dude fell on the ground no one touched him he’s looking for an out. He gave up and he’s scared. He’s done he looked like Daniel Jones in the nfl but in college. He can’t read defenses at all, easy to read them on a chalk board...