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  1. Memnon

    Post Game Recap: NC State

    Which is ironic, because he’s literally murdered TVD to the point he wouldn’t even be a starter for a FCS team right now.
  2. Memnon

    Post Game Recap: NC State

    Appreciate it! Much respect to you as well 💯
  3. Memnon

    Post Game Recap: NC State

    Which was a red flag.
  4. Memnon

    Post Game Recap: NC State

    Because I’m a Miami fan. Mario just like his predecessors is just one guy, he’s not the program. He’ll eventually go, but the program will still be around after him & so will I.
  5. Memnon

    Post Game Recap: NC State

    100% I do. His track record shows it.
  6. Memnon

    Post Game Recap: NC State

    Brashard did get 2 targets tonight. 1) was an overthrown Deep ball 2) was an underthrown fade route in the end zone that got picked off (first INT of the game)
  7. Memnon

    Post Game Recap: NC State

  8. Memnon

    Post Game Recap: NC State

    Once we have a bye week our team just says, “Welp! That’s enough Football for the year, see you fckers in January!” Everybody just kicks their feet up & coasts; the Coaches prepare their resume to get new jobs elsewhere & the players go on permanent vacation, everybody just takes the bye as...
  9. Memnon

    Post Game Recap: NC State

    Well what other reaction should people have to the Offense??? We’re playing like Iowa right now & people are just supposed to be happy about that? It didn’t actually work against any teams worth a ****, UVA is literally the 2nd worst team in the ACC & we barely beat them, when we were supposed...
  10. Memnon

    Post Game Recap: NC State

    Does Mario work for Dawson or does Dawson work for Mario? How is it not his fault, if he’s now on his 2nd OC that has managed to completely derail the season?? He’s the fckin HEAD COACH of the team, which means ALL decisions start & end with him. The idea that Dawson has destroyed the Offense...
  11. Memnon

    Post Game Recap: NC State

    Here’s what’s really fcked... All these concerns about his history with QB’s & very mediocre offense were raised before he was hired here, but mostly shooed off. I remember how bad Oregon looked in 2021 against Utah, they got the absolute sh*t beat out of’em in both games & at the core of...
  12. Memnon

    Post Game Recap: NC State

    2018 Miami, when Richt bet the house Rosier & it backfired on him horribly.
  13. Memnon

    Post Game Recap: NC State

    The problem is stupid begat stupid. The people in charge only make hires based on if you have some bizarre connection to Miami & the program in some roundabout reach back to nostalgia effort. They never take into account Football acumen & actually understanding what it takes to win on...
  14. Memnon

    Post Game Recap: NC State

    I know, that’s my homie! Especially during Basketball season lol
  15. Memnon

    Post Game Recap: NC State

    And this is the first time I think I’ve ever seen you talk (type) lol Normally, you don’t say anything lol
  16. Memnon

    Post Game Recap: NC State

    They were throwing designed short passes early. Fletcher & McCormick had catches in the 1st half on routes to the flats... The problem is, Defenses have clued in on stopping the run, so once they get us on a 2nd & long they send the house stacking the box with 8-9 defenders & if it’s a run...
  17. Memnon

    Post Game Recap: NC State

    It’s either - They don’t believe in Emory - They’re stupidly trying to preserve his Redshirt - Or they really think TVD gives us the best chance to win In all 3 scenarios it spells out incompetence. Red fckin flags all around.
  18. Memnon

    Post Game Recap: NC State

    That was a top tier Corching performance of the highest order... Randy Shannon/Al Folden/Manny Diaz level bad. I know one fckin thing, yall boy Saint Cristobal better dip his head in a gallon of smelling salts & wake the fck up. We got FSU next week & it’s lining up to be a public...
  19. Memnon

    Post Game Recap: NC State

    Coach Larra coming to save us all next week. 🙏🏽
  20. Memnon

    Post Game Recap: NC State

    It’s gonna sting for those who are disingenuous with themselves, but that’s what it’s designed to do. People will get mad & say they want me to be serious, but I can assure you, yall really don’t want that.