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  1. Rod Is Godly


    Why were we behind against UNC? I recall us gaining momentum before a certain INT in the 3rd quarter in our own redzone.
  2. Rod Is Godly


    Analytics, scouts, stats… doesn’t really matter. My eyes show me open receivers not getting the ball due to bad QB play
  3. Rod Is Godly


    Idk what that advanced stat means or how it’s measured, but advance stats also have TVD as one of the top QBs in the country. What I do know is, it’s hard to win ANY game when your QB has multiple turnovers, period.
  4. Rod Is Godly


    Emory not being prepared to take on a top 5 team in an away game at night VS our biggest rival does not mean that our senior starting QB hasn’t been costing us.
  5. Rod Is Godly


    We had that explosive offense the first 4 games when our QB wasn’t underthrowing every pass though…. So what was going on then? I’ll hang up and listen
  6. Rod Is Godly


    TVD has 7 multiple interception games in 23 starts and 6 of them are losses. All under 3 different OCs and 2 different HCs. The constant is simple here. EDIT: the win was last week in OT vs Virginia where we clearly won despite of him. Shout out to Mark Fletcher
  7. Rod Is Godly


    Emory Williams in that EXACT situation next week, at least I hope.
  8. Rod Is Godly


    TVD didn’t have to be Joe Montana to not underthrow wide open receivers….
  9. Rod Is Godly


    smoke and mirrors. Lashlee and TVD had 2 good wins vs NCSU and Pitt. Didn’t beat another even decent team and the offense was absolutely putrid VS UNC and FSU strongly because of TVD’s 3 INTs
  10. Rod Is Godly


    Yes and then the world realized TVD can’t read a zone to save his life and stopped playing man and now those sideline comebacks aren’t there.
  11. Rod Is Godly


    How on earth are you guys forgetting Dawson WAS taking shots before QB1 completely lost the feel of the game and started under-throwing everything????
  12. Rod Is Godly


    TVD has remained constant the entire time and cost us games with interceptions under Lashlee as well. Nothing he did last night or the last couple weeks was different than what he provided vs UNC and FSU in 2021 under lashlee. Lashlee got TVD to light up bums, sure, but so did Dawson the first...
  13. Rod Is Godly


    I agree, the problem then isn’t the formation, it’s the fact that we can’t exploit the fact that Horton is left 1on1. Horton/Young/Georgie in single coverage should be exactly what we want, we just don’t have a starting QB we can trust to exploit that and he’ll more than likely underthrow it for...
  14. Rod Is Godly


    I just don’t understand why people are complaining about us coming out in tight formations and running the ball. You want us coming out in spread formations and throwing with a QB who is consistently throwing ill-advised interceptions? How is it not obvious why we have decided to completely...
  15. Rod Is Godly


    Game on the line and Clemson couldn’t stop Dawson’s “vanilla” offense with Emory at the helm…. So are you sure that’s the issue?
  16. Rod Is Godly


    I agree we could incorporate more motion but I can’t say that defenses are just blowing coverage week after week. Our OC is clearly doing something to cause them to blow those coverages and it’s our QBs job to execute when that happens and he’s done the opposite
  17. Rod Is Godly


    **** narrative. At this point running the ball all game is our only chance to stay in the game because our QB is a turnover MACHINE.
  18. Rod Is Godly


    No might’ve, #4 was wide open, uncovered, alone in the end zone.
  19. Rod Is Godly


    Can’t roll with this when we SEEN TVD throw INTs on plays that could be TDs. #3 got separation on a good route and was underthrown for a pick. Last week Restrepo was wide open and underthrown for a pick as well.
  20. Rod Is Godly


    Was Dawson the OC or the QB throwing multiple interceptions in losses in 2021 against UNC and FSU, 2022 MTSU? Or the game losing pick 2022 UNC? We were averaging 40 points a game this year before QB 1 started throwing multiple picks a game.