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  1. Tei Tenga

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    I'm out
  2. Tei Tenga

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    #20 missed an easy tackle early in the game... and now he does it again. WTF? is going on?
  3. Tei Tenga

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    For our next drive... go uptempo
  4. Tei Tenga

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    Watch... that timeout they called just ruined our rhythm
  5. Tei Tenga

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    Can we please have a solid drive here, ending with a TD .... please.
  6. Tei Tenga

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    Need a Pick 6 right here...
  7. Tei Tenga

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    I literally was more worried about the Refs for our game next week as I'm sure they will do ANYTHING in their power to insure FSU makes the playoff at all costs.... but with the way we regress in our play every week, I'm no longer worried about that happening. It will still happen...
  8. Tei Tenga

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

  9. Tei Tenga

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    We better make some miracle halftime adjustments...
  10. Tei Tenga

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    We got them right where we want them....
  11. Tei Tenga

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    We need a pick 6 here
  12. Tei Tenga

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

  13. Tei Tenga

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    I bet that Solar Generator costs a pretty penny....
  14. Tei Tenga

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    How many weeks in a row is TVD gonna do this stuff and we keep allowing him to do it? Bruh... enough is enough already. Just put in Emory and let's ride or die...
  15. Tei Tenga

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

  16. Tei Tenga

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    we needed this fumble... bad
  17. Tei Tenga

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    Had to mute these tobacco road slurping announcers... now all we have to do is get our act together. Let's Go!!!!
  18. Tei Tenga

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    What the **** was 20 thinking... tackle him dammit!!!
  19. Tei Tenga

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    ..... these announcers are constant ncst slurpers
  20. Tei Tenga

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    Parrish was open... went to Cam, who can't catch