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  1. Rod Is Godly

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    The offense became different when guys were open and TVD started throwing INTs instead of hitting them.
  2. Rod Is Godly

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    This is irresponsible. Tyler sucked that game too and that’s why it came down to us needing to take a knee in a one score game. Or did we forget Tyler’s interceptions that game too?
  3. Rod Is Godly

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    TVD gets no blame here?
  4. Rod Is Godly

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    Can’t be on the defense. 3 of those 17 came from TVDs sack fumble in our own redzone too
  5. Rod Is Godly

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    No one ask for more TEs in the offense again please
  6. Rod Is Godly

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    Nah facts 😂
  7. Rod Is Godly

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    Defense is dominant, just need to be able to complete a forward pass
  8. Rod Is Godly

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    Good players not staying the 4 anyway, burn that ish
  9. Rod Is Godly

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    Anyone mad at Andy for literally one miss is nuts
  10. Rod Is Godly

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    Do those QBs consistently make bad throws to open receivers for INTs?
  11. Rod Is Godly

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    “Comfortable” guys are OPEN and he’s throwing to the other team lmao
  12. Rod Is Godly

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    You wanted us to rush into an interception 😂
  13. Rod Is Godly

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    Blaming Dawson for anything other than not benching QB1 is crazy
  14. Rod Is Godly

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    The running is working, there are holes, Parrish is running right into OL backs
  15. Rod Is Godly

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    So it WAS open and TVD didn’t execute…
  16. Rod Is Godly

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    We might have the worst fanbase in college football 😂 what games do yall be watching????
  17. Rod Is Godly

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    There’s literally nothing wrong with our team besides TVD having the yips, any other QB and this team is fine
  18. Rod Is Godly

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    We’re down 1 point lmaooooo what are yall on?
  19. Rod Is Godly

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    NCSU is gonna score at will?? Huh? Lmaoooo
  20. Rod Is Godly

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    Points win games. Fletcher is also easily the best in that room