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  1. CanesFan20

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    I absolutely hate the new Miami style of Football. Mario perfect drive is a 17 play 75 yard drive that kills 10 mins off the clock and win games 20-17 like Iowa. We are the Iowa of the South and we're paying 80M for it.
  2. CanesFan20

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    I would imagine the Offensive Decommits will start soon. No wonder all we can get is Judd Anderson at QB
  3. CanesFan20

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    I don't blame the defense at all. They bailed the offense out time after time. It's Mario, TVD and Dawson offense that's killing this team. We literally force 2 turnovers and come away with 0 points. On the field and in practice Mario is a coach from the 1980s trying to coach in 2023.
  4. CanesFan20

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    We call a timeout just to go out there and run the same play on that goal line stand. It was a bad decision before the timeout and here I am thinking that's why Mario called the timeout and he just runs the exact same place 😆😆😂
  5. CanesFan20

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    It's such a breathe of fresh air watching a Mike McDaniel offense on Sunday after watching the canes on Saturday. He makes hard **** look easy while we make easy **** look hard.
  6. CanesFan20

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    4th and 1 and we're in the shotgun running up the middle against a loaded ******* front. My God we make it look so difficult. I swear we have a bunch of neanderthals running this team.
  7. CanesFan20

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    Feels like he was a plan C type of hire.
  8. CanesFan20

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    Not going to lie I'm starting to think Shannon Dawson might just be a terrible OC. Our offense took a complete nose dive after temple, I think it's possible they put together the blueprint and Dawson has no counters. These last few weeks have been Gattis level bad.
  9. CanesFan20

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    So tired of all these tight formations. Mario is going to be Bro Style until he dies. He literally brings in a Hal Mumme disciple and he still runs this slow as a snail tight multiple Bro style offense. My God go uptempo 4 WRs spread out and let TVD sling it, it's literally what worked with lashlee.
  10. CanesFan20

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    My God they have no faith in TVD at all. 3rd in 8 at the opposing 30 and we run the freaking ball for the 7th straight time. A Good OC takes a shot on 1st or 2nd down after running it down their throats but I guess they are to scared TVD will turn it over. You can't beat good teams with this...
  11. CanesFan20

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    FSU isn't NC State or Clemson. You can't run the same offense we did against Clemson and expect to win. FSU has the 5th scoring offense in college football, we can't just run the ball and kick FGs. We will need to put points on the board.
  12. CanesFan20

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    I know but they have seen him catch fire in the past. If we play Emory against FSU it's going to be a route and automatic awful day for the offense, he's not ready for that. With TVD maybe he finds a way to turn around the clock. I understand it's very very unlikely but I would imagine that's...
  13. CanesFan20

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    I just don't think they believe Emory is ready or they havent done a good enough job at getting him ready.
  14. CanesFan20

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    Only argument you can make for TVD starting the 2nd half is because FSU is next week and we might have a better shot at him catching fire like he did against Texas A&M which is at best like 10% then you do with Emory pulling off a win. If you decide to roll with Emory or Jaccuri then you need to...
  15. CanesFan20

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    Well it's going to be another off season of hearing Mario ruins QB from the peanut gallery. TVD has gone from a redshirt freshman QB throwing 300 yards 3TDs a game to a junior whose one of the worst QBs in college football. It will be very interesting to see where the blame falls for this one...
  16. CanesFan20

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    Either TVD has no control of the offense or Shannon Dawson is an awful coach in practice and doesn't prepare them properly. We just look like lost in so many different situations. I mean seriously wtf was that 2 Minute drill.
  17. CanesFan20

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    This offense is humiliating. It's even worse then the Gattis offense.
  18. CanesFan20

    CANES vs NC STATE 11/4

    This version of TVD is just God awful. So far he has no command of this offense. Everything is like it's in slow motion for him. Passes are widely inaccurate and he's not checking to anything with heavy blitzes coming time after time. Hopefully he's able to turn it around the rest of the game.