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    Mario just showed you what he thinks of TVD…..and he’s right

    That’s bull**** There are guys wide open He’s not hitting them That’s on tvd Look at the picks are those bad plays???? Lol No, it’s ****** under throws and staring at X And in dropped pick he had crosser wide open and smith innflat It’s POOR QB PLAY I’m no Mario apologist but tvd is the...

    Mario just showed you what he thinks of TVD…..and he’s right

    That was by design No read WR screens to let him settle in to the game….when we needed him to throw he made the throws….

    Mario just showed you what he thinks of TVD…..and he’s right

    Bingo You prob just nailed the situation to a T I agree 💯

    Mario just showed you what he thinks of TVD…..and he’s right

    He’s definitely AFRAID He prob knows in his heart it needs to be done Once he does it he knows there’s no going back I guarantee you they are discussing it It will prob take another lose unfortunately Then tvd will have “injury” and we will roll w Emory That’s my prediction

    Mario just showed you what he thinks of TVD…..and he’s right

    If you don’t think Mario taking knee tells you what he thinks of his QB, you don’t know football. Mario knows **** well tvd is the biggest liability on the team. He wasn’t going to let him lose game with another ****** interception. He figured let’s go OT and I will rely on D and then...