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  1. Page305

    It is okay to be critical of TVD now?

    Doesn't matter now. We all see he's completely checked out. I think both sides can finally come together and say we need something fresh at QB.
  2. Page305

    It is okay to be critical of TVD now?

    What does Rosier, Perry, Jarren Williams, and King all have in common that TVD doesn't? The answer to this is actually where most of my dislike towards him come from.
  3. Page305

    It is okay to be critical of TVD now?

    Man I don't want to hear **** about him not being healthy because he's had the same tendencies when he was healthy. Boy can't go through reads to save his life. Been that way since he got here. That and just making bone-headed throws.
  4. Page305

    It is okay to be critical of TVD now?

    Boy you saying a lot. Some of us have been seen what TVD really is but ppl here defend that boy like the president.