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  1. Hold My Beer

    Mik McDaniel Lighting up the Refs on Twitter

    The Eagles innovation with and unmatched mastery of the Tush Push is commendable. That said, the "play" is total bull**** and should be banned on every level of football the moment Super Bowl LVIII is done. LOL at the Dolphins having some DB jump on top of the pile like a WWE maneuver I'm...
  2. Hold My Beer

    Mik McDaniel Lighting up the Refs on Twitter

    Now everybody gonna click on this thread thinking either you can't spell or who da *** is Mik McDaniel? 😜 Just messing with ya, man. I'm a Steelers fan without a dog in the hunt, but that was a weak-*** roughing the passer penalty against the Dolphins. Even the "officiating analyst" (or...
  3. Hold My Beer

    Mik McDaniel Lighting up the Refs on Twitter

    Dude is making million$ while residing in SoFla. He's probably banging more bad chicks than 90% of us CIS meatheads (notice I didn't say 100 percent before you top-tier stallions try to set the record straight)